Tuesday, January 20, 2009

OMG WTF!!!!!!!

So you must be saying "It is only Jan 19th and she has already given up on her New Years resolution." It in not so I have been a busy little girl. I am returning emails immediately when I open them. Yes I know this sounds weird to you email junkies but I suffer from email anxiety. I normally read an email and as my heart starts beating a little faster I return it to the inbox. I ignore it for a couple days. The box starts to fill and I realize I must confront it. With a shaking hand I hit reply. I type in my response, backspace, retype and this goes on and on until I finally hit delete and say screw it they can call me. So answering the first time is a big deal for me.
Last friday night my 11 year old and her good friend were in my kitchen making a fruit salad. I heard Mackenzie say to Austin "Can you cut the apple I am not really good at it." Wow I was thinking "They are so cute and innocent." After they were finished Austin asked to see my facebook page. He said "Maureen you need to Jaz that thing up. It is so boring" Mackenzie chimes in "Mommy do you want to see my profile." Not knowing what she was talking about I said "I would love to". I read my sweet little girls profile (on AIM) I was surprised and somewhat saddened. She had a list of her favorite quotes which were depressing and dark. These things didn't fit her personality at all. Curious I started to browse through her buddies. OMG WTF. These kids profiles were shocking to say the least. The more I looked the more stunned and overwhelmed I became. I felt like I was watching a Dateline episode but it was with all children I knew. How can this be happening? I began to feel as though I was invading the kids privacy. I had so many mixed emotions about it. I was so afraid for these kids because the have no idea of what the implications of these profiles may be. Why was I feeling like I didn't have the right to be looking at this stuff. They are posting on the internet!!!! Sure they set it to private and only invited guest can view but we all know that wont keep them safe. Since then Mackenzie an I have spent hours talking about this and many other issues we should have been talking about all along. I have always said I would never want to be 11 again but I starting to think it may be just as hard to be the mother of an 11 year old.

Monday, January 5, 2009

new years resolution

In the past year it has been brought to my attention that I am not keeping up with the times. I consider myself tho be a pretty cool person. I am 37 years old and I still feel like I am 20. Their are some aspects of my life in which I certainly act 20 years old. I still watch MTV on a regular basis. I still listen to the most current music and I am up to date on popculture. Here is the problem. I know nothing about technology. I don't blog, text, IM or any of that other stuff. My daughter Mackenzie (11 years old) recentley got caught making a crank phone call with her girlfriends from her cell phone. I was so angry with her. In my fury I took the cell phone away and gave her a list of privlages that had just been stripped from her devient little hands. With my hands shaking I said "What else has this little brat been doing with this phone." I told her "I will check every call and every text you have ever sent young lady!!!" I sent her away and opened up the phone. Scrathing my head I thought what the hell do I do now! I had know idea how to see what this little punk was up to. I can't ask her how to retrieve the mesages. Do I ask her little sisters? No!! Then they will know I am incompetent. So what did I do. I faked it and I hoped for the best. She is only 11 what could she possibly be texting about. I know this is irresponsible parenting hence my New Years Resolution! I am going to become technologically savy in 2009!!! I thought this blog would be a great start. Hope you enjoy.